From owner-ius-l@AMERICAN.EDU Mon Aug 26 23:53:23 1996 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 23:36:52 -0500 To: IUS-L@AMERICAN.EDU From: (Robert Finn) Subject: Ultra Sluts Dear Ultra Sluts, I've been lurking around this hood for a couple of months and am totally intimidated by your deeds. So many of you seem to do it so often,for so long and get zestful pleasure being so raw and dirty that a new thing like me gets all flustered. Just the type of people my mama said to stay away from. Well this Stan Jensen guy is standing next to his cool red sports car with a skinny chick with I mean next to nothing on. Well the only thing I really know about this Stan dude is that he has his very own ultra web home page. I acknowledge this and the next thing he tells me is that now I have to post a race report on the Pt. Reyes 50k or else maybe find my fat hind end on some 50 miler with no help or inspiration. Well ok,but maybe sometime when you all are feeling nostalgic or beat up, you of the worlds oldest profession might think back to your "first time" and bring it out for discussion and humor. An Ultra Virgin Gets Boffed, As the Pt. Reyes run approached a silent resignation added itself but did not dominate the usual set of emotions. The old ITB syndrome,the ban of all decency and fairness had shown itself alive on all but one of the few long practice runs in the last month. I mistakenly blamed the two triathlons done this month,the training and recovery from then as the cause for my low mileage and lack of confidence. But now feel they were the cause for whatever success I experienced. Not over pounding the knees ,losing a little weight,gaining strength and experience in running at 5k and 10k distances. Also just feeling the heart beat at different levels was good experience for this beginner. I drove through Sacramento on Friday stopping at Fleet Feet on the way. Tell those bozo AM talk radio heads protesting Smock Check ll that large smog particles must be clogging their brains. The air was filthy and not just from the fire smoke. "The Idiot wind,a wonder they still know how to breathe." Stopped in Novato for unloading stock and put finishing touches on our Renaissance faire booth. Out South Novato Blvd. through the beautiful rolling hills of West Marin to the cool coast. At a taqueria in Pt Reyes Station ran into runners from my town. Kurt and Lorette Fox, an experienced ultra couple for sure. Heard about Lorettes' passing out at mile 96 at Western States, she ran 70 miles in pain before blacking out.Tremendous character,not only for the toughness but for having a fine perspective on family, friends and recreation. We also had camping places next to each other at Olema Ranch Campground. A camp fire was started, met other runners from Nevada Country and other friends of the Foxes'. I was tired and ready for bed .Guess what? Ultra runners don't stay up to drink and party the night before a run,was sound asleep at 9:30. With a full good nights sleep arrived at the Five Brooks start at 6:30. Meet up with Pete Petri. With time compressed into a Gu wrapper 200 were off and running at 7:00 AM. Ran with Pete for 10 min. then bid him well as I knew he had faster plans than mine. It was foggy and cool but quite comfortable in a singlet. . A well stocked double ultimate water pack, a head full of countless hopes and fears and 34 miles to do something with. The trails were beautiful. Carpeted and smooth, going mostly through extravagant coastal forest.The fog is a well employed gardener and a heaven sent to those who like cool running conditions. Runners more than a 100 yds. ahead disappeared. The course is broken up into three assents and following descents. In my opinion it is a very balanced course as far as trail running goes,with a few long and rolling flats between the ascents which were not real radical. Recognized a stocky Japanese man from the Drakes Bay Run done last year which had the same Five Brooks starting point. Remembered him clearly as he was training for the 100 mile stage run in the Himalayas. Always ready to hear of great adventures so settled in next to Hajime Nishi for the next 2 hrs. The Himimalya race was fantastic and he is planning on going back in October to do it again!! Hajime is a journalist and writes for a Japanese running magazine,and has the goal of doing 100 long runs all out of Japan by the year 2000. Tough work, guess someone has to do it. Hajime didn't have much of a stride,looking a bit like a weight lifter, but anyone who can carry a 40lb video pack across the self contained La Salle Sahara stage run has a good chance of making this jaunt,he was going to be my ticket to ride. But just as I though it time to put on the cruise controlthe right ITB starts talking,which is of some curiosity as it has always been on the left side of late. Caution,dread and outright pissed off. At least four hrs to go and limping in with this shit isn't what I wanted to do. I took 2 Ibuprofen before the start,took 2 more and very cautiously came down the slopes and power walked the hills.Saw Hajime ahead of me, that I could catch up to him on the hills was of some encouragement. It wasn't getting worse and I knew enough to keep my concentration on eating and drinking and would make a decision about pulling out at Glen Camp at mile 16. What I've always heard about ultras is that hanging on through the downs is imperative as the ups are often not far away. Felt ok at Glen Camp. A white paper plate with little red pills,other people must be loading up on this stuff also. I take three.Try to eat and drink as much as possible. I really don't like taking that much ibu and stay pretty much away from it,what can I say it was working. Running with two others along the long rolling Coast Trail was a real help. Not only fun and informative ( Running the canyons in the Death Valley Marathon was in the shade and spectacular ) but a real boost for me to run at a faster pace than i would if on my own. It was at the heart of the run and i was running well. At mile 22 the Woodward trail headed up for the steepest and final ascent. I was amped, power walked pass several and would run whenever the grade decreased. Left the couple who i worked hard to keep up with along the flat. The gal later passed me on the down side,the only person to do so for the rest of the race. Going up the ridge and looking down and to the right to see the ocean,the headlands, and the distance just covered had me howling like a drunk at a bad C&W concert. Knew i was coming in. The endorphins and ibuprofen were doing there part. The final down was perhaps the only part of the race to be considered treacherous. The sun was finally out and playing havoc with the shadows on the many thick roots crossing the trail. Now the left ITB was hurting coming down hill. The folks at the aid stations were just fantastic. Many thanks to Tampala running club and volunteers,quality from start to finish. At the final aid stopped to take out a pebble,they refilled the bottles and put them in the pack, sponged ,fed, and put me on my feet. All the people I saw in the last part of the race looked strong and determined,I was going to join them. 4.3 miles to go at 1:00 PM . Came in at 1:35,for me that type of pace at the end is totally new. I love it ! Felt thankful for the hurting quads and caves. Rolling and flats through meadows,a few gates to open. Emptied the water bottles in half and wanted to see what i could do. Passed 10 runners,walked a few of the hills but tried to run faster than I did in the 10k at the last tri. Caught a final person in the last 100 yards, decided to turn down the animal act and came in behind her with a smile and breathing easy.Not to get over impressed,6:35 was my finishing time. But those last four miles...... Kurt and Lorete where there and made contact with the folks who helped me out along the Coast Trail. Felt a bit of the fool for losing just about all discernment. To quote a Lyle Lovett song, "I love everybody". Back at the campground ate with Pete Petri who came in under 6hrs. and was looking real good. Was hoping to meet more dead, I was proudly wearing my DRS singlet.(The only affront of the whole experience was the slightly derisive laugh when i wanted to put DRS down as my club on the race number ) Introduced myself to Stan Jensen with thanks for his helpful ultra home page.Looked for Lady G,saw her name but the not the bod. Hajimaji and i exchanged addresses and expressed the need to run some of the trekking trails in Northern Thailand,but sure he'll have done it and off to Patagonia before i even get a stamped passport. But never mind, my dreams for this summer have already come true. Back to the Renaissance faire, and just to give my daughter another reminder that I'm a few fries short of a happy meal, dance with her and her friends to a drummer beating on an empty beer keg. Proof of how mellow i was still feeling is that i enjoyed the 3hr. ride home with 3 fourteen year old girls in a small car. The ITB has never hurt the day after a run,this time it did. Knowledge that it is the main obstacle to my becoming a long distance runner will be my motivation to find a solution other than ibuprofen. I know its been discussed before but i will be calling upon the collective intelligence for advice. Thanks so much,better post before I start singing that Lyle Lovet chorus. Robert Finn Grass Valley, Ca.