Part 3 of a 10 part strategy to finish Leadville Fish Hatchery to Halfmoon Total miles 7, miles running 4, miles walking 3 Cutoff time 8:00, planned arrival 6:19 Leaving the Fish Hatchery, you will hopefully be dressed in shorts and t-shirt with plenty of sunscreen. For those unfamiliar with the Colorado high country, there is a lot less atmosphere blocking the sun's rays and you should be careful especially if you have light skin. A hat with a visor also helps keep the sun or rain from your face. Don't forget your jacket tied around your waist. Last year after leaving this aid station, a storm blew in and it rained and sleeted sideways for hours. Don't forget your 500 calories of food to be carried with you as you progress towards the next aid station. This is a short segment of 7 miles, the first mile is a gradual downhill on pavement. Hopefully you can eat and jog at the same time, if not, walk briskly until you have finished eating. If you where unable to leave the fish hatchery in 4:45, do not PANIC. We are building plenty of buffer, you do not want to attempt to make it up all at once. There will be plenty of opportunity for that later. For now, simply shuffle along at a comfortable 10 minute pace. Continue at this pace while on Halfmoon road, a wide dirt road leading towards the Mt. Elbert and Mt. Massive trailhead. When the road climbs, simply shift to a walk, then back to a run. I am suggesting a mix of 4 miles of running at 10 minute pace and 3 miles of walking at 18 minute pace. You may not need to do as much walking here. If you are able to run to the tree line, the point where they won't allow cars to go any further, you have run 4.5 miles and can walk the remaining 2.5 miles to the aid station. You are now far enough into the run that if you go a little faster, you probably won't be overextending yourself. There are some decent climbs on this road and I do encourage you to walk them. When you arrive at Halfmoon, get some fluids and food and SIT DOWN. You have been on your feet for over 6 hrs, it's time to give them a rest. Stay at this aid station for 5 or 6 minutes or until 6:25 has elapsed. Again, carry food out of the aid station, 500 calories. This time you will be back on Halfmoon road, going uphill, walking. You will be leaving this aid station 1:35 ahead of the cutoff. Hint for enjoyment: This section is made up primarily of a wide dirt road. Lots of room and easy to run in a group. Try to match up with a group and join in on the conversation. This is definitely the best social part of the run. Everyone has settled into the position they'll keep for most of the run and a lot of faces should start becoming familiar. As you make your way into the trees, the atmosphere has a quiet, camping, vacationing feel to it. I find this a very peaceful and relaxing segment. Next Segment: Halfmoon to Twin Lakes If you missed segments 1 or 2, e-mail me direct and I'll forward them to you. Dana Roueche Boulder, CO